In some cases, a retail typeface just doesn’t cut it. For those occasions, Bureau Roffa offers customisations, extensions, and even completely custom typeface or lettering designs. Selected projects are shown below.

Ragged Edge asked for a customised version of Proza Display to be used by Bombay Sapphire Gin. The most notable changes are in the R, f, g, and y. It featured on limited edition bottle designs, on key billboards, and social media campaigns.
In collaboration with Vos Broekema, I created a stencilled version of Proza Display to print a poem by Dirk Kroon on the Beukelsbrug in Rotterdam (near the monumental Van Nelle factory).
Limontjello (pronounce: lee·mon·tjel·oh) is a local Dutch brand of limoncello. It is produced by hand, using organically grown lemons, sugar, alcohol, and water. Bureau Roffa designed the logo, packaging, and promotional materials.